Board of Directors
Information about shareholdings is based on the situation as at 5 maj 2020 and, where relevant, includes holdings of related parties and holdings where the Board member in question is able to exercise control.
Information about shareholdings is based on the situation as at 5 maj 2020 and, where relevant, includes holdings of related parties and holdings where the Board member in question is able to exercise control.
Born 1971
Elected 2020
Education MSc in Industrial economy, Linköping University 1995, Harvard Business School Executive Program 2007.
Professional experience Executive Advisor Partner in Wind Point Partners USA, Business Area Manager Marmon Holdings Inc. USA, and several manager assignments within Husqvarna AB.
Other directorships Board member in Dacke Industri AB, Rosti Group AB, Axjo Plastic AB and senior advisor Wind Point Partners.
Shareholding in AGES 125 500 Class B shares (with relatives)
Independence/dependence Anders Berggren is independent in relation to the Company and Company management and independent of major shareholders.
Board member
Born 1972
Elected 2013
Education MSc in Business and Economics
Professional experience CEO of Pomona-gruppen, investment manager Pomona-gruppen, CEO of Talk Telecom
Other directorships Chairman of e.g. XANO Industri AB (publ), Argynnis Group AB, Estinvest AB, Serica Consulting AB, Svenska Handbollsförbundet. Board member in e.g. ITAB Shop Concept AB (publ), Corem Property Group AB (publ), Pomona-gruppen AB, PrimeKey Solutions AB, Sveriges Olympiska Kommitté and Segulah AB
Shareholding in AGES 540,000 Class A shares and 1,523,545 Class B shares
Independence/dependence Fredrik Rapp is independent in relation to the Company and Company management. Fredrik Rapp is dependent in relation of major shareholders as owner.
Board member
Born 1976
Elected 2015
Education MSc in Economics, Jönköping International Business School
Professional experience Business development ICA Sverige AB, Manager PricewaterhouseCoopers, Controller Nobina
Other directorships Board member of XANO Industri AB (publ), ITAB Shop Concept AB (publ), Hand in Hand Sweden, INEV AB etc.
Shareholding in AGES 1,282,200 Class A shares and 700,200 Class B shares
Independence/dependence Anna Benjamin is independent in relation to the Company and Company management. Anna Benjamin is dependent in relation of major shareholders as owner.
Board member
Born 1970
Elected 2021
Education International Marketing
Professional experience Managerial positions at SKF within Sale and Product Management, CEO at TengTools AB and CEO Fristads AB.
Other directorships –
Shareholding in AGES 6 120
Independence/dependence Petra Öberg Gustafsson is independent in relation to the Company and Company management and independent of major shareholders.
Board member
Born 1965
Elected 2023
Education Law and Human Resources Management, University West and various international management programmes.
Professional experience Chief Operating Officer ViaCon Group AB (publ.), Senior Vice President Inwido AB (Publ), Executive VP/COO Specma Group, CEO Crane AB
Other directorships –
Shareholding in AGES 0
Independence/dependence Lars Jonsson is independent in relation to the Company and Company management and independent of major shareholders.
Board member
Born 1968
Elected 2023
Education Engineering graduate.
Professional experience CEO XANO Industri AB, CIO Eldon Vasa, business controller ITAB, Managing Director ITAB Kaluste and ITAB Plast.
Other directorships Chairman Pelly Group AB
Shareholding in AGES 2000
Independence/dependence Lennart Persson is considered dependent to the major shareholders in relation to his position as CEO in XANO Industri AB, where Fredrik Rapp and Anna Benjamin are major owners.